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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Herbal Supplements is it worth the risk?

April 10, 2009
Posted by Wen in : Herbal Supplements , trackback

Many people nowadays are turning to “organics” and “naturals” otherwise known as herbals. The rising popularity of herbal supplements has created a new fad if not a new health lifestyle. But before you join the bandwagon, here are some things you need to know about this mean, “green” dietary supplementing machine.

What is the difference between a drug and a dietary supplement?

According to the definition set by food and drug administrations in different countries, drugs are chemicals that can prevent, prolong the life, treat other effects of a health condition, improve the quality of life, and/or cure ailments and diseases, or alter the function of any part or chemicals inside the body. These drugs have approved therapeutic claims. For example, paracetamol is a drug given to bring down the body temperature in fever. Ascorbic acid is indicated for the treatment of scurvy. Iron supplements are given to treat mild cases of anemia.

Herbal supplements are not classified as drugs but as dietary supplements. The main difference is that they do not have approved therapeutic claims unlike in the case of drugs. Moreover, dietary supplements could either contain vitamins, minerals, herbals, or amino acids, all aimed to add to or supplement the diet of an individual. They are not intended to be taken alone as a substitute to any food or medicine.

Most of the manufactured medicines we now have once came from animals and plants. Through the years, chemists isolated the life-saving or life-curing components and separated them from the harmful ones. This lead to the further drug research and drug development that lead to the production of a different variety of drugs for many ailments and conditions from synthetic sources. But still we have semi-synthetic drugs, as well as drug that more or less approximate more natural composition. Since herbal supplements are made from a mixture of crude herbs reduced into powder or gel form, and later on packaged as tablets and capsules, there is a possibility that life-threatening or at least body chemistry-altering components are still present, thus the expression of concern from the medical community.

Is there a growing concern with the use of herbal supplements?

Yes. With the rising popularity of using and consuming anything herbal or organic is the proliferation of fake herbal supplements that threaten to endanger lives. If that’s the case, then why are herbal supplements given drug administration approvals? One way of ensuring the safety of the people is to have all candidate drugs, food, drinks, and dietary supplements registered with the proper authority. Otherwise, they would pose more risk with these things being sold in the black market for a hefty sum. We could ensure the quality and safety of herbal supplements if they get proper classification with the food and drug administration. Moreover, people may be able to file the proper complaints in the event a worsening of health condition is proven to be linked to the use of a particular herbal supplement.

Is using herbal supplements worth the risk?

Yes. It cannot be discounted that many who have tried herbal supplements experienced an improvement in their health—whether this is due to the herbals themselves or due to a placebo effect, as long as they do not worsen the condition of an individual, then using them is worth the risk. But of course, certain things must be considered before taking those herbal supplements:

Your doctor knows best.

First of all, clear your condition with your doctor. Ask him/her if taking a particular herbal supplement is safe given your health condition. People with heart, liver, or kidney trouble or malfunction, are usually not advised to take these, or at the minimum is to take these herbals in minimum amounts. All substances pass through the liver and kidney to be processed and filtered respectively. Kava, which is used to relieve people from stress, has been pulled out from the Canadian, Singaporean, and German markets because it contains substances that cause liver damage. Certain herbals such as Ephedra used for losing weight, contains chemicals with heart-inducing effects that can increase heart rate, which in turn can exhaust the heart and cause heart attacks in several documented cases by the American Medical Association.

Follow the directions for use.

Never take more herbal supplements than what is directed by the doctor or as instructed on the bottle. Each individual reacts differently to the components of herbal supplements. While it is perfectly safe for one individual to take in a supplement of primrose oil capsules, another person may be allergic to it. So, do not even think about downing one bottle of

It has no approved curative effect.

No matter how the product pamphlet or the label of the bottle sounds about how it has been found to be helpful in certain health conditions, these herbal supplements are not therapeutic. So do not substitute these for the medications prescribed by your doctor for the treatment of certain diseases, or for the maintenance of blood pressure, lowering of blood sugar and cholesterol, and fight off infections.

10 Ways to Go Green and Save Green

How can we live lightly on the Earth and save money at the same time? Staff members at the Worldwatch Institute, a global environmental organization, share ideas on how to GO GREEN and SAVE GREEN at home and at work.

Climate change is in the news. It seems like everyone's "going green." We're glad you want to take action, too. Luckily, many of the steps we can take to stop climate change can make our lives better. Our grandchildren-and their children-will thank us for living more sustainably. Let's start now.

We've partnered with the Million Car Carbon Campaign to help you find ways to save energy and reduce your carbon footprint. This campaign is uniting conscious consumers around the world to prevent the emissions-equivalent of 1 million cars from entering the atmosphere each year.

Keep reading for 10 simple things you can do today to help reduce your environmental impact, save money, and live a happier, healthier life.

  1. Save energy to save money.

    • Set your thermostat a few degrees lower in the winter and a few degrees higher in the summer to save on heating and cooling costs.
    • Install compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) when your older incandescent bulbs burn out.
    • Unplug appliances when you're not using them. Or, use a "smart" power strip that senses when appliances are off and cuts "phantom" or "vampire" energy use.
    • Wash clothes in cold water whenever possible. As much as 85 percent of the energy used to machine-wash clothes goes to heating the water.
    • Use a drying rack or clothesline to save the energy otherwise used during machine drying.
  2. Save water to save money.

    • Take shorter showers to reduce water use. This will lower your water and heating bills too.
    • Install a low-flow showerhead. They don't cost much, and the water and energy savings can quickly pay back your investment.
    • Make sure you have a faucet aerator on each faucet. These inexpensive appliances conserve heat and water, while keeping water pressure high.
    • Plant drought-tolerant native plants in your garden. Many plants need minimal watering. Find out which occur naturally in your area.

  3. Less gas = more money (and better health!).

    • Walk or bike to work. This saves on gas and parking costs while improving your cardiovascular health and reducing your risk of obesity.
    • Consider telecommuting if you live far from your work. Or move closer. Even if this means paying more rent, it could save you money in the long term.
    • Lobby your local government to increase spending on sidewalks and bike lanes. With little cost, these improvements can pay huge dividends in bettering your health and reducing traffic.

  4. Eat smart.

  5. Skip the bottled water.

  6. Think before you buy.

    • Go online to find new or gently used secondhand products. Whether you've just moved or are looking to redecorate, consider a service like craigslist or FreeSharing to track down furniture, appliances, and other items cheaply or for free.
    • Check out garage sales, thrift stores, and consignment shops for clothing and other everyday items.
    • When making purchases, make sure you know what's "Good Stuff" and what isn't.
    • Watch a video about what happens when you buy things. Your purchases have a real impact, for better or worse.

  7. Borrow instead of buying.

    • Borrow from libraries instead of buying personal books and movies. This saves money, not to mention the ink and paper that goes into printing new books.
    • Share power tools and other appliances. Get to know your neighbors while cutting down on the number of things cluttering your closet or garage.

  8. Buy smart.

    • Buy in bulk. Purchasing food from bulk bins can save money and packaging.
    • Wear clothes that don't need to be dry-cleaned. This saves money and cuts down on toxic chemical use.
    • Invest in high-quality, long-lasting products. You might pay more now, but you'll be happy when you don't have to replace items as frequently (and this means less waste!).

  9. Keep electronics out of the trash.

  10. Make your own cleaning supplies.

    • The big secret: you can make very effective, non-toxic cleaning products whenever you need them. All you need are a few simple ingredients like baking soda, vinegar, lemon, and soap.
    • Making your own cleaning products saves money, time, and packaging-not to mention your indoor air quality.

Saturday, October 31, 2009


個在網路流傳的小秘方,激發了小學生實驗靈感,經過不斷嘗試,成為真正的環保良方!台北市永安國小師生從網路偏方得到靈感,利用資源回收(網站)的寶特瓶,以及不到2.5 元的成本,製造出「環保捕蚊罐」,放在地下室,一罐最多

因 此,師生動手實驗,希望找出更有效的誘蚊法。蚊子會被吸引嗎?試試看暖暖包。蚊子會對不同顏色有反應嗎?試著用不同顏色寶特瓶來誘蚊。捕蚊罐放置的高度是 否有差異?把捕蚊罐吊高到蚊子飛行高度試試看。學生還試過用蜂蜜、蘆薈、黏鼠板膠來誘蚊或黏蚊。最後發現,蚊子會受到二氧化碳及黑色吸引,即利用發酵糖水 會釋出二氧化碳的原理來製造捕蚊罐。
但 此捕蚊罐也有局限。徐佳璋表示,並非100%的蚊子都會被誘引,在人多的環境,即使放了捕蚊罐,仍免不了有人被叮咬;捕蚊罐使用效果最佳地點,是在停車 場、地下室等蚊子較多的室內場所。 尤其是近年來,即使有寒流、強烈冷氣團來襲的冬季,仍有地下家蚊(溫帶家蚊的一種)作怪,出沒地點多集中在地下室,最適合使用環保捕蚊罐來展開抗蚊大作 戰。
「蚊子專家」台北市立教育大學環境教育研究所教授黃基森十分肯定「環保捕蚊罐」,認為它有學理根據,不少市售的捕蚊器就是利用散發二氧化碳來 誘蚊,只是一般捕蚊器多半價格高昂,如能廢物利用,意義更佳;但要注意的是,不同酵母菌對不同品種的斑蚊、家蚊誘引效果可能還有差異。


DIY的水果醋是以現成的醋浸泡新鮮水果一段時間,使水果的營養與風味與醋結合,作出不同口味的水果醋,因此所選用的醋不同,作出來的水果醋風味也會有所 差別,常見的醋有工研醋、糯米醋、糙米醋、高梁醋等等,原則上不論是哪種醋都可以浸泡製作水果醋,不過醋本身有天然釀造和化學製作的差別,選購之前最好先 詳細的參考成分說明。


















作者﹕文/ 黃伯誠 (教授/台灣)







Tuesday, October 27, 2009




一. 制做環保垃圾酵素的比率和做法:




水:5 liter


1. 首先把水和黑糖順時方向攪均後再放入菜渣/果皮,需留一些空間讓它發酵。

2. 必需發酵至少三個月。在釀制過程不需擔心將會產生臭氣,只需將容器蓋好。

3. 需讓黑糖水蓋過垃圾,把浮在液體面上的垃圾按下去,使其埋在液體中。

4. 垃圾液應該呈棕黃色,有橘子般的刺激氣昧。

5. 如果液體呈現黑色,即是腐敗不成功了。

6. 如發現蒼蠅卵,不必擔心也不用對它進行處理。

7. 發現家裏的蒼蠅不見了,這因釀制過程的化學反應會把蒼蠅扼殺在搖籃裏。

8. 釀制完後的垃圾渣可以拿來曬乾,攪碎後埋在土裏作肥料,或者繼續留放在缸底和下次的鮮垃圾再次釀制垃圾酵素。


1. 酵素肥料,有效分解土壤內含之營養份,供根部吸收 1cc 酵素: 100cc 水
2. 酵素殺蟲劑(昆蟲)有效抑制病害發生。 1cc 酵素: 1,000cc 水
3. 藉著益菌分解,可以將有機臭分子完全去除,不同於使用任何化學除臭劑或方香劑 。1cc 酵素: 200cc 水
4. 中和土壤酸鹼值,活化土壤。 1cc 酵素: 500cc 水

5. 洗髪液,沐浴露,洗衣液,洗碗用。 1cc 酵素: 1cc洗潔液 : 10 水

6. 除臭藉著活菌分解可以去除有機臭分子,達到完全除臭功能。1cc 酵素: 200cc 水

7. 固體排泄物分解快速氧化分解排泄物,同時也能分解一般不易分解的界面活性劑與油脂、紙類等,是解決臭味、固化物、堵塞滿溢困擾的最佳選擇。1cc 酵素: 200cc 水
8. 馬桶活菌清潔深入馬桶、瓷盆細微之處,分解有機殘垢並形成生物薄膜減少水垢附著,清洗後光潔如新。長期使用,可消除管路上沉積物,保持馬桶暢通。

9. 排水管維護清潔可氧化分解堵塞於排水管的有機物及附著充溢油脂截留槽的污染物對脂肪、蛋白質、澱粉、纖維素及清潔劑等有機物皆可有效氧化分解。

Monday, August 31, 2009












1. 枝葉粗大

2. 顏色為自然曬乾的淺咖啡色

1. 枝葉細小乾扁

2. 顏色有焦黑色、深咖啡色


1. 枝葉肥厚飽滿

2. 色澤晶瑩剔透

3. 清洗過後海水味自然消失

4. 以冷水浸泡24小時仍QQ有彈性

1. 枝葉仍然細小

2. 無光澤

3. 味道腥臭,有的甚至有臭油味

4. 快爛、不易保存


1. 為高營養價值之珍貴食物,含有豐富的海中酵素、膠原蛋白及礦物質

2. 含有豐富的鈣、鐵、鎂、鉀、硒等礦物質

1. 漁船走私,無檢驗合格證書

2. 無營養價值可言

3. 甚至有重油、重金屬中毒之虞


1. 真正品質好的珊瑚草,不但有海底燕窩的美名,它的營養價值更勝於燕窩。

2. 其所含的營養成分具有「先清後補」的效果。

1. 無效果,長期服用可能會在體內累積毒素,導致慢性中毒。


1. 素:


2. 礦物質:





3. 膠原蛋白:



Monday, June 15, 2009

Garbage Enzyme

More facts on garbage enzyme:-
Credits goes to Dr. Rosukon and Dr.(H) Joean Onn for sharing this valuable knowledge

What's Garbage Enzyme?
Garbage enzyme is a complex solution produced by fermentation of fresh kitchen waste (fruits and vegetables dregs), sugar (brown sugar, jaggery or molasses sugar) and water. It is dark brown and has a strong sweet sour fermented scent. Garbage enzyme is a multipurpose liquid and its applications covers household, agriculture, animal husbandry etc.
Garbage enzyme is developed by Dr. Rosukon from Thailand. She has been actively involved in enzyme research for more than 30 years and encourages people to make garbage enzyme at home to ease global warming.
Garbage enzyme is the solution to recover our ozone layer and lower the global temperature.
Change Climate
From day one you start making garbage enzyme, its catalyses process Will release ozone gas (O3). O3 can reduce carbon dioxide (C02) in the atmosphere and heavy metal that traps heat in the cloud. Hence heat can be released from the Earth, reducing greenhouse and global warming effects. Enzyme convert ammonia to nitrate (NO3), a natural hormone and nutrient for plants. Meanwhile it converts carbon dioxide to carbonate (C03) which is beneficial to sea plants and marine life.
Discover the endless benefits of this Earth-saving enzyme you can make in your kitchen. It is rewarding to heal the Earth.
  • Save money:
    • Turn kitchen waste to DIY natural house-hold cleaners.
  • Multiple usage:
    • Natural household cleaner; air purifier; deodoriser; insecticide; detergent; body care; car care: organic fertiliser, etc
  • Reduce pollution:
    • Methane gas released from disposed garbage can trap 21 times more heat than CO2, worsen the global warming condition.
  • Purify air:
    • Remove odour. Dissolve toxic air released from smoking, car exhaust, chemical residues from household products, etc.
  • Purity underground water:
    • Enzyme that flow underground will eventually purify the river and the sea.
  • Natural pesticides:
    • Reduce mosquitoes. flies, rats or cockroaches etc.
  • Anti-bacterial and virus:
    • Natural antiseptic for your home.
  • Prevent drainpipe blockage:
    • Release residues accumulated in the pipe of basins or toilet bowls

Close tight - Keep 3 months (Open daily to release gases for first month)

||Ingredients || Ratio || Example 1 || Example 2 || Example 3 ||
||SUGAR || 1 || 1KG || 2KG || 0.5KG ||
||VEGETABLE || 3 || 3KG || 2KG || 0.5KG ||
||WATER || 10 || 10Litres || 20Litres || 5Litres ||

Here's how:

1. Use an air-tight plastic container.
2. Dilute sugar in water, follow by adding vegetable and fruit dregs.
3. Leave some space in the container for fermentation.
4. Close it tight.
5. During the first month, gases will be released during fermentation process. Release the pressure built up in the container to avoid rupturing.
6. Push the floating garbage downward every once in a while.
7. Place at cool, dry and well ventilated area. Avoid direct sunlight Let ferment for at least 3 months before use.

Take notes:

1. Do not use glass or metal containers that cannot expand.
2. Garbage for making enzyme does not include paper, plastic, metal or glass materials.
3. Avoid oily cooked food, fish or meat residues (can be used as garden compost material), To make a fresh smelling enzyme, add orange, lemon peel or pandan leave etc.
4. The ideal colour of garbage enzyme is dark brown. If it turned black, add in same amount of sugar to start fermentation process again.
5. It may have a white, black or brown layer on top of the enzyme, ignore it. If you encounter flies and worms in the container, leave it and the chemical reaction of enzyme will resolve them naturally. Close and seal the cover tightly.
6. Make full use of garbage enzyme residue:
>> Reuse for next production by adding fresh garbage.
>> Use as fertilizer by drying the residue, blend it and bury in the ground
>> Grind the residue, pour into toilet bowl, add some brown sugar and flush to help purify sewage
7. If you have not gathered enough kitchen waste, you may fill up the container gradually. The 3 month fermentation period start from the day you place your last batch of kitchen waste.
8. Garbage enzyme is at its best after 6 months of fermentation. The longer it takes, the better it gets. Garbage enzyme will never expire. Do not store in the refrigerator.
9. Help protect our ozone layer, if every household utilised their garbage to produce garbage enzyme, It can stop kitchen waste from polluting our land and meanwhile generate enough ozone gas to ease global warming. You can help change the climate!

Direction for use:

Garbage enzyme can be used diluted with water at a specific dilution ratio.


Dilute to 1000 times with water for use as natural insecticides, herbicides, pesticides and organic fertilisers. Also can be used to stimulate plant hormone to improve quality of fruits and vegetables and to increase crop yield.
Spray on land for 3 months continuously to improve soil quality.

# # Bath (add in bath water to improves skin condition) # 50~100cc # Keep overnight #

# # Washing machine (clean and soften laundry) # 20-50cc # Soak and wash #

# Concentrated # Toilet bowl (prevent blockage & purify sewage) # 250cc # Pour and flush #

# Enzyme # Toilet cistern (purify water) # 20-50cc (two caps) # 2-3 times/ weeks #

# # Garden pond & water tank (purify water) # 1/10,000 litre water # Add occasionally #

# # Leather sofa (clean mold or stain) # Appropriate amount # Spray and wipe every 10 days #

# # Carpet & tatami mat (deodorise & antiseptic) # Slightly moist # Spray 1-2 times/month #

# # Shoe, inside the car (deodorise & antiseptic) # Appropriate amount # Spray occasionally #

#10-50 times # Kitchen sink, stove, cooker hood (clean oily stain) # Appropriate amount # Soak and wipe occasionally#

# # Black mold (anti-fungal) # Appropriate amount # Soak and wipe occasionally#

# # Pet excretion, pet house (deodorise & antiseptic) # Appropriate amount # Spray occasionally #

#200-500 times # Air-cond room (humidifier, deodorise & antiseptic) # Appropriate amount # Spray occasionally #
# # Bathroom sink (clean) # Appropriate amount # Soak and wipe occasionally#

# # Cabinet and refrigerator (deodorise) # Appropriate amount # Spray occasionally #

#500 times # Drain (prevent drainpipe blockage) # Appropriate amount # Flush occasionally #

# # Pet (bathing, deodorise & antiseptic) # Appropriate amount # Upon bathing or brushing #

# # Toilet (clean, deodorise & antiseptic) # Appropriate amount # Spray when wiping #

#500 - 1000 times # Indoor (purify air, deodorise & pest control) # Appropriate amount # Spray frequently #

# # Closet, clothes (deodorise & antiseptic) # Slightly moist # Spray occasionally #

#1000 times # Seeding and planting (fertiliser) # Appropriate amount # Rinse once #


Save on household cleaner and bodycare:

For shampoo, dish wash, laundry liquid etc: use enzyme to multiply and to reduce chemical residues.
Ratio = 1 part enzyme : 1 part detergent/cleaner : 10 parts water
Washing vegetables: Add 30ml (2 tbsp) enzyme to 1 liter water. Soak for 45 minutes.
Floor cleaning: Add 30ml (2 tbsp) enzyme to moping water. To clean and sterilise.
Car care: Add 30ml (2 tbsp) enzyme to water tank to reduce car temperature.

NOTE: I have posted some other posts / videos regarding Garbage Enzyme. You can find all these posts tagged Enzyme

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Friday, May 22, 2009

12 Vegetables with the Most Pesticides

Sweet bell peppers are atop the list of vegetables found with the most pesticide residue; on a single pepper, there were 11 different pesticides found. The peppers also had 64 pesticides, in total, found on the sample.

The tests, conducted by the Environmental Working Group (recently named as one of our Best of Green award winners, as the Best Natural-Health News Website) and published as part of their Shopper's Guide to Pesticides, are part of the group's ongoing efforts to educate the world about the environmental health implications of what we consume and use every day.

Photo credit: Getty Images / Robin MacDougallBy Collin Dunn, Corvallis, OR, USA
on April 28, 2009 10:01 AM

Celery ranks #2 on the list, with the highest of percentage of samples test positive for pesticides -- a whopping 94.1 percent -- and the highest likelihood of multiple pesticides on a single vegetable, with 79.8 percent testing positive for more than one pesticide. So, though celery is one food whose price has recently risen, it's worth it to find it grown organically.
Photo credit: Getty Images / Medioimages / Photodisc
By Collin Dunn, Corvallis, OR, USA
on April 28, 2009 10:01 AM

Kale is the first of a handful of leafy vegetables on the list, at #3. 53.1 percent of the samples tested had multiple pesticides, and 10 different pesticides were found on one sample. Once you find an organic variety of kale, it's a delicious and versatile vegetable; try Kelly's Kale & Potato Stew recipe over at Planet Green.
Photo credit: Getty Images / Simon Brown
By Collin Dunn, Corvallis, OR, USA
on April 28, 2009 10:01 AM

Lettuce checks in next, with nine different pesticides found on one single sample, and 57 different pesticides overall. And, while washing definitely can help cut back on pesticides, there's no skin on lettuce to protect the inner flesh -- like with, say, a banana -- so lettuce is one vegetable where seeking out organic varieties is worth your time and money.

Try Emeril's Lettuce Soup recipe or Kelly's classic Caesar salad to enjoy the best of lettuce's leafy goodness.

Photo credit: Getty Images / Martin Harvey
By Collin Dunn, Corvallis, OR, USA
on April 28, 2009 10:01 AM

Carrots, at #5, are the first vegetable on the list that grows underground to have a high pesticide load. 82.3 percent of tested samples had pesticides found on them, and had 40 different pesticides found in total, so a few inches of soil aren't enough to keep many pesticides away.

Once you find a seasonal, organic source for carrots, they're a wonderfully sweet, versatile vegetable that can be used in a huge variety of ways; try this Carrot & Lentil Soup, Maple-Roasted Carrots, or Carrot Cake for just a few ways to enjoy this delicious taproot.

Photo credit: Getty Images / Michael Blann
By Collin Dunn, Corvallis, OR, USA
on April 28, 2009 10:01 AM

Collard greens mark the list's return to leafy vegetables at #6. The hearty green, most often braised, are grown in a variety of climates and seasons, making appearances in farmers' markets on an almost year-round basis in some places. As such, if you can get a good, organic source for collards, you can eat green with them for months out of the year, but going organic is definitely a worthwhile choice.
Photo credit: Getty Images / Trinette Reed
By Collin Dunn, Corvallis, OR, USA
on April 28, 2009 10:01 AM

Spinach is the last leafy green on the list, coming in at #7. Used in everything from dips to creamy soup to electricity (really!), spinach can also be used to make a simple, elegant salad.
Photo credit: Getty Images / Susan Trigg
By Collin Dunn, Corvallis, OR, USA
on April 28, 2009 10:01 AM

Potatoes take the list back underground; the tuber has been cultivated for 10,000 years (according to the Electronic Journal of Biotechnology) and are the 8th-most pesticide-laden vegetable. If you can find them grown organically, in addition to baked, mashed, fried, and otherwise cooked, potatoes are an excellent candidate for raw preparation (provided you can dehydrate them), including as curried potato chips.
Photo credit: ExperienceLA @ Flickr
By Collin Dunn, Corvallis, OR, USA
on April 28, 2009 10:01 AM

Whether you prefer them fresh or baked in casserole, cultivate them from a bush or a pole, or oven-roasted or preserved, green beans round out the top 10 pesticide-laden veggies. The beans, rich in Vitamin C and distributed fresh, frozen, or canned, are usually served with the pods intact, so a thorough washing is their only defense against pesticides. Since that won't get them all off, we think it's best to buy them organic whenever possible.
Photo credit: Chasqui @ Flickr
By Collin Dunn, Corvallis, OR, USA
on April 28, 2009 10:01 AM

Summer squash and zucchini round out the top 10; though they're only around for a few weeks in the summer (unless you don't mind a large carbon footprint to go with your pesticides, and buy them trucked or flown in from Mexico or South America), their pesticide load can still pack a punch. When you buy them organic, try them in Emeril's Summer Veggie Saute, or give 'em a quick bath in balsalmic vinegar and olive oil before tossing them on the grill.
Photo credit: Getty Images / Stockbyte
By Collin Dunn, Corvallis, OR, USA
on April 28, 2009 10:01 AM

Peppers are next on the list. The (usually) spicy veggie's heat may come from the seeds, but the pepper itself can carry a heavy pesticide load. Finding them grown organically can be tricky, but when you do, try this Chili Pepper and Black Bean Salsa as a zesty alternative to store-bought salsa.
Photo credit: Kyle May @ Flickr
By Collin Dunn, Corvallis, OR, USA
on April 28, 2009 10:01 AM

Cucumbers round out this dirty dozen. While you can get your cucumber fix from cucumber soda now, the veggie is most often eaten fresh or lightly cooked, as with Emeril's Cucumber Saute with Basil & Mint. If you're a fan of the 'cuke,' it's worth your time to find them grown organically, and you can enjoy homemade pickles or gazpacho without worrying about eating a side dish of pesticides, too.

More about pesticides in fruits and veggies
EWG's Shopper's Guide to Pesticides
12 Fruits with the Most Pesticides
Avoid Pesticides in Fruit and Veggies

Photo credit: Getty Images / Alex Cao
By Collin Dunn, Corvallis, OR, USA
on April 28, 2009 10:01 AM