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Monday, April 26, 2010



  无机粉体环保石头纸(简称石头纸)是以储量大、分布广的石灰石矿产资源为主要原材料(碳酸钙含量为70~80%),以高分子聚合物为基材原料 (含量为20~30%),利用高分子界面化学原理和高分子改性的特点,经特殊工艺处理后,采用聚合物挤出、吹制成型工艺制成。无机粉体环保石头纸产品具有 与植物纤维纸张同样的书写性和印刷性效果。同时更具有塑料包装物所具有的核心性能。

  石头纸新技术,是以地壳内最为丰富的矿产资源碳酸钙为主要原料,以高分子材料及多种无机 物为辅助原料,利用高分子界面化学原理和填充改性技术,经特殊工艺加工而成的一种可逆性循环利用,具有现代技术特点的新型造纸技术。石头纸技术,是国内领 先世界先进的新技术。该技术的诞生,既解决了传统造纸污染给环境带来的危害问题,又解决了大量塑料包装物的使用造成的白色污染及大量石油资源浪费的问题。
  提取石灰石中的碳酸钙,然后将矿石磨成高钙1500-2500目的超细粉,随后进行 第二道工序,将85%改性碳酸钙添加上15%的添加剂制成母粒,最后通过挤压吹膜设备制成纸或袋。


石头石 头


  地球卫士石头纸技术在整个生产过程无需用水,不需要添加强酸、强碱、漂白粉及众多有机氯化物,比传 统造纸工艺省去了蒸煮、洗涤、漂白等几个重要的污染环节,从根本上杜绝了造纸过程中因产生“三废”而造成的污染问题。同时由于以价格低廉的矿石粉为主要原 材料,成本比传统纸张低20%-30%,价格也低10%-20%。 用石头做成的纸,外观看起来没什麼特别,但写上字泡在水里,十分钟后拿出来,用手抹,字不但不会晕开,把水擦干照样可以写字。如果同时燃烧石头纸和一般的 纸,一般纸一下子就烧完了,但石头纸的火却慢慢变小,最后熄灭。 
  石科纸张的发展于纸张特性上包括了安全性、物理性以及其他特性,而主要特 色是石科纸不仅防水、防雾、防油、防虫等,且在物理特性上于耐撕、耐折性上皆较木浆纸优胜。 石科纸吸墨牢,喷墨列印不会被浸蚀,也可防水,原因是具有奈 米级的石粉浆。石科纸因无纤维,喷墨列印之后清晰度更高,达到2880dpi精确 度,加上表面不覆膜,不会与墨发生化学作用,导致偏色、脱色现象;一般石科纸720dpi精度相当于传统1440dpi精度的清晰度 。
种 类
  石头纸产品应用领域极其广泛,可应用于一次性生活消耗用品,比如垃圾袋、购物袋、食品袋、密实袋、餐盒、脚套手套、台 布、雨衣、防尘罩等;也可应用于文化用纸,比如印刷纸、书写纸、广告装潢纸、道林纸、涂布纸、膜造纸、图画纸、招贴纸、打字纸、邮封纸、香烟纸、格拉辛 纸、新闻纸等;还可应用于建材装饰,比如装饰壁纸等;还可应用于工业包装等领域,比如化肥袋、水泥袋、米面袋、服装袋、各种手提袋、纸盒纸箱等;还可应用 于特殊用纸方面,比如野外作业用纸、水下作业用纸、矿下作业用纸、军事特殊用纸等。可以说应用领域非常广泛,而且随着石头造纸技术的不断成熟和升级,应用 领域还将更大。石头纸产品的成本比可替代产品低20%-30%,有着极强的竞争力,市场前景非常看好。
  “石头纸” 价格比传统纸便宜近2/3
  据了解,地球卫士(大连)石头纸科技股份有限公司自主研发了该项技术,而且比 日本和台湾的技术还要先进。该项技术已经落户在吉林汪清县、吉林桦甸和辽宁丹东宽甸,按照该公司的战略规划,3年内要在每个省布局一个石头纸工厂,目 前,2010年项目落户布局已经基本敲定。
  石头怎么会变成纸张?现实生活中,我们可以用和面团的方式 进行对比。
  “先把石头用专业设备磨成粉。”由于磨成的粉要造纸,所以非常细,1微米=0.001毫米,也就相当于头发丝的千分之一,如果一 粒这种石粉单独放,我们肉眼几乎是看不到的。
  而这些粉就好似和面团的面粉,把这些粉和树脂纤维以及一些添加剂,用黏结剂黏结在一起,这样就 等于把面团和起了。然后再把这些面团送到专业设备中,机器制出来就成了纸张。
  据了解,由于方解石在我国 储量都很丰富,其价值又相当的低廉。
  由于原材料价格,也直接影响到产品的价格。据介绍,用方解石生产的“石头纸”其价格将比用传统工艺(如 竹木)制成的纸要便宜近2/3。


  在专家看来,尽管石头纸有许多优点,但并非完美,它在原料和产品性能上还有一些问题有待解决。 首先是原料问题。所用原料主要是碳酸钙,自然再 生能力差。例如某地石灰石矿山总贮量在1.5亿吨以上,可满足50年以上的造纸原料需求,但如果碳酸钙再用于其他化工产品,其原料保证供应年限会是多少? 很难预测。另外,石头纸对石灰岩的碳酸钙含量要求极高,也就是说不是什么石头都可造纸。

  回收利用问题。据介绍,该产品所含矿石分可脆化分解 回归大自然,虽然物质不灭,但不可能集中回归而加以利用。如可经过碎解后经过高温融化回收利用,则必须有集中回收利用的设备,其回收后破碎也必须有干法破 碎的特殊设备,但该产品目前应用范围小,应用地区分散,也就不可能集中回收利用,最起码在短期内做不到回收利用。
  产品的适用性。现在生产的 产品的厚度要达到较薄的程度很难,同时透明度高和密度大,只能生产手提带类包装用纸;其光泽度也不如铜版纸,可能还需要进行涂布加工,这种技术能否实现尚 不清楚;同时产品的定量和厚度偏差和稳定性均可能比植物纸差,并对印刷方式的适应性差,难以适应于高速印刷。
  使用成本。如用相同厚度的纸制 作同类产品,石头纸的重量均要大的多。
  尽管充满了一些争议,“地球卫士”石头纸业科技股份有限公司董事局主席宋旭仍然表示:“这个产品之所 以在市场推广上我们很有信心,一是它不但有环保、节能、保护环境、保护地球、共建和谐家园这样一个美好的前提,更重要的是能够给消费者带来实惠,我们的产 品进入市场的时候,和同类产品相比,价格要低10%~20%。”


石头纸石 头纸

石科纸张的发展于纸张特性上包括了安全性物理性以及其他特性,而主要特色是石科纸不仅防水、防雾、防油、防虫等,且在物理特性上于耐撕、耐折性上皆较木浆纸优胜,而 针对各种特点、需求,与未来发展的目标市场进行分析,可如下表1所示。

石科纸吸墨牢,喷墨列印不会被浸蚀,也可防水,原因是具有奈米级的石粉 浆。石科纸因无纤维,喷墨列印之后清晰度更高,达到2880dpi精确 度,加上表面不覆膜,不会与墨发生化学作用,导致 偏色、脱色现象;一般石科纸720dpi精度相当于传统1440dpi精度的清晰度 。


经由上表的目标市场订定,目前所研发出的石科纸因性质的差异而有不同种类的纸材,其中四大类包括:家 洁、家和、家美、工业包装。


新的无木浆石科纸考量了环保成本、原料、加工性、市场接受性、未来性等诸多因素,虽未能全面替代传统纸张的市场,但石科纸的印刷品质却与传统纸张相似,且具备了合成纸张 的物理特性,以下则将木浆纸、合成纸与石科纸三种纸张之差异进行比较。


2、用途广,不仅可替代传统木浆纸, 而且吸墨性良好,防水性佳,折叠性好,易装订。
3、可替代不透明的PVC、PP、PE、PET塑料薄膜,降低成本,适合做各种包装袋、购物袋、 手提袋,及其餐盒、杯、盘等一次性用品。



石科纸是以大量的 无机矿粉完全溶入少量的无毒性树脂,制程环保,使用后即可自行脆化回归大地。而经过回收的纸张若送进焚化炉焚烧,少量的无毒无害树脂经焚烧后,不会产生黑 烟或毒气,而余下的无机矿粉亦可回归 大地、回归自然。其石科纸对环境贡献如下:

(1) 可回收

石科纸产品用后可以经过塑胶制品回收途径,收集后加予粉碎、挤压制粒成PE塑胶加工之良好添加料,可生产有色的塑胶袋、花盆、塑胶桶等。石科纸 使用后被当作垃圾处理时送到焚化炉燃烧,因其中含有大量石粉及少量的无毒树脂,只有无毒树脂可以燃烧。当树脂燃烧时,石粉会粉化而促进树脂与空气的接触, 加速树脂可以完全燃烧,因此在燃烧中不会因缺氧闷烧而产生黑烟,无毒树脂燃烧后没有毒性废气,二氧化碳的排出量最少,可以减缓地球的暖化。而石科纸使用后 被抛弃于室外,在阳光的照射下约六个月就会自动脆化成破碎蛋壳状,回归大自然 (纸张放在室内没有阳光中的紫外线破坏,树脂是不会脆化的)。   

(2) 保护水资源与节能

石科纸有着浓厚的环保意识,石科纸产品的制造完全不须用水洗涤,也不需要强酸、强硷与漂白剂,因此没有废水排 放的问题,不污染河川、大海等水资源,且于 制程上对于能源的耗用量上较传统木浆造纸低,有助改善因二氧化碳(CO2)所造成的全球暖化等问题。

石科纸不仅有助改善过去的环境问题,且符合未来环保的趋 势,相信将会是人类科学发展必然且广泛应用的产物。目前尚无法全面取代传统造纸,目标应 该以取代一部分市场较为可行,至于取代30%还是40%,取代铜版纸、新闻纸还是双胶纸,关键就只在于技术的成熟、发展和完善程度。石头纸是一种全新的产 品,它在市场上要真正的得到普及,预估可能还要待几年之后。

Friday, April 9, 2010

How Condoms Could Save the Forests

Green Futures, 2 Apr 10

A new program from the world's largest single buyer of condoms could boost rubber tapping and reduce deforestation.

by Conor Foley

Brazil’s reputation as a ‘sexy country’ dates back to the seminal work of Gilberto Freyre, who wrote a rather idealized account of how its sensuous and promiscuous past had produced a beautiful inter-racial population. Although the country’s shocking levels of contemporary inequality and violence cruelly mock his central thesis of a ‘racial democracy’, the ‘sexy Brazil’ image lives on. It’s there in Rio’s famous carnival, in the beautiful bodies in bikini-floss that adorn its beaches and, more darkly, as home to one of the world’s largest prostitution and sex trafficking industries.

But Brazil has also developed a highly effective anti-HIV/AIDS campaign, which is widely credited with having prevented the type of epidemic that has devastated other developing countries. It’s succeeded despite the wrath of the Catholic Church, of the previous US Administration – which made health funding conditional on countries signing ‘morality pledges’ – and of the big drug companies, whose patents Brazil has flouted to bring down the cost of antiretroviral drugs. In the face of such criticism, Brazilian officials refused to change their approach, arguing that a key part of their success has been because they deal in an accepting, open way with high-risk groups. The Director of its national AIDS program famously rejected the US Government’s restrictions as “theological, fundamentalist and Shiite”.

The Brazilian Government is the largest single buyer of condoms in the world, importing around a billion of them every year. These are promoted using high profile advertisements and a variety of outlets targeted to reach at-risk groups. Most recently, the Government has started to include condoms in the basic basket of goods that it distributes for free to low income families as part of its strategy to combat hunger. This serves a double purpose, since there is a clear link between family planning and poverty reduction. When the Pope visited Brazil two years ago, President Lula took the opportunity to speak out strongly in favor of sex education and proper provision of contraception for teenagers.

In 2008, the Government announced the start of a new program to produce condoms using environmentally sustainable rubber, which will curb its dependence on imported contraceptives, provide jobs for local people and help preserve the world’s largest rainforest. It opened a new factory, located in the northwestern Acre state, which will produce 100 million condoms a year. The latex comes from the Chico Mendes Reserve, named after the celebrated conservationist and rubber tapper who was killed by ranchers in 1988.

Tapping rubber has long been a traditional way of life for many in the Amazon. It is sustainable because it does not kill the trees, but the rubber is more expensive than oil-based synthetic products, which have driven down prices and put rubber-tappers out of business. By contrast, the condom project is both environmentally and economically sustainable. It will provide an income to around 550 families and reduce the incentives for deforestation. The Government says the condoms are the only ones in the world made of latex harvested from a tropical forest.

Similar schemes are also being developed to produce and market handbags and purses from sustainable rubber. Treetap, for example, has patented a latex, which it sells under its own brand name, certifying that its goods are produced from natural rubber on a fair trade basis. The company has placed rainforest preservation at the center of its business plan, and works closely with the Rubber Tappers Association which Mendes founded.

‘Sexy Brazil’ is an already established brand, and if the Government’s sustainable condoms project proves successful domestically, then they could become a product for export.

After all, who could refuse a longer-lasting Brazilian orgasm?

Editor's Note: This piece originally appeared in green futures.

Photo of rubber sap collection courtesy of Flickr photographer zaza_bj under the Creative Commons license.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Bill Gates Go Green

Recently, Bill Gates has decided to go green by donating revenues from the sales of "Green Bill Crystal Ball" to the Seah Trees Foundation.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Herbal Supplements is it worth the risk?

April 10, 2009
Posted by Wen in : Herbal Supplements , trackback

Many people nowadays are turning to “organics” and “naturals” otherwise known as herbals. The rising popularity of herbal supplements has created a new fad if not a new health lifestyle. But before you join the bandwagon, here are some things you need to know about this mean, “green” dietary supplementing machine.

What is the difference between a drug and a dietary supplement?

According to the definition set by food and drug administrations in different countries, drugs are chemicals that can prevent, prolong the life, treat other effects of a health condition, improve the quality of life, and/or cure ailments and diseases, or alter the function of any part or chemicals inside the body. These drugs have approved therapeutic claims. For example, paracetamol is a drug given to bring down the body temperature in fever. Ascorbic acid is indicated for the treatment of scurvy. Iron supplements are given to treat mild cases of anemia.

Herbal supplements are not classified as drugs but as dietary supplements. The main difference is that they do not have approved therapeutic claims unlike in the case of drugs. Moreover, dietary supplements could either contain vitamins, minerals, herbals, or amino acids, all aimed to add to or supplement the diet of an individual. They are not intended to be taken alone as a substitute to any food or medicine.

Most of the manufactured medicines we now have once came from animals and plants. Through the years, chemists isolated the life-saving or life-curing components and separated them from the harmful ones. This lead to the further drug research and drug development that lead to the production of a different variety of drugs for many ailments and conditions from synthetic sources. But still we have semi-synthetic drugs, as well as drug that more or less approximate more natural composition. Since herbal supplements are made from a mixture of crude herbs reduced into powder or gel form, and later on packaged as tablets and capsules, there is a possibility that life-threatening or at least body chemistry-altering components are still present, thus the expression of concern from the medical community.

Is there a growing concern with the use of herbal supplements?

Yes. With the rising popularity of using and consuming anything herbal or organic is the proliferation of fake herbal supplements that threaten to endanger lives. If that’s the case, then why are herbal supplements given drug administration approvals? One way of ensuring the safety of the people is to have all candidate drugs, food, drinks, and dietary supplements registered with the proper authority. Otherwise, they would pose more risk with these things being sold in the black market for a hefty sum. We could ensure the quality and safety of herbal supplements if they get proper classification with the food and drug administration. Moreover, people may be able to file the proper complaints in the event a worsening of health condition is proven to be linked to the use of a particular herbal supplement.

Is using herbal supplements worth the risk?

Yes. It cannot be discounted that many who have tried herbal supplements experienced an improvement in their health—whether this is due to the herbals themselves or due to a placebo effect, as long as they do not worsen the condition of an individual, then using them is worth the risk. But of course, certain things must be considered before taking those herbal supplements:

Your doctor knows best.

First of all, clear your condition with your doctor. Ask him/her if taking a particular herbal supplement is safe given your health condition. People with heart, liver, or kidney trouble or malfunction, are usually not advised to take these, or at the minimum is to take these herbals in minimum amounts. All substances pass through the liver and kidney to be processed and filtered respectively. Kava, which is used to relieve people from stress, has been pulled out from the Canadian, Singaporean, and German markets because it contains substances that cause liver damage. Certain herbals such as Ephedra used for losing weight, contains chemicals with heart-inducing effects that can increase heart rate, which in turn can exhaust the heart and cause heart attacks in several documented cases by the American Medical Association.

Follow the directions for use.

Never take more herbal supplements than what is directed by the doctor or as instructed on the bottle. Each individual reacts differently to the components of herbal supplements. While it is perfectly safe for one individual to take in a supplement of primrose oil capsules, another person may be allergic to it. So, do not even think about downing one bottle of

It has no approved curative effect.

No matter how the product pamphlet or the label of the bottle sounds about how it has been found to be helpful in certain health conditions, these herbal supplements are not therapeutic. So do not substitute these for the medications prescribed by your doctor for the treatment of certain diseases, or for the maintenance of blood pressure, lowering of blood sugar and cholesterol, and fight off infections.

10 Ways to Go Green and Save Green

How can we live lightly on the Earth and save money at the same time? Staff members at the Worldwatch Institute, a global environmental organization, share ideas on how to GO GREEN and SAVE GREEN at home and at work.

Climate change is in the news. It seems like everyone's "going green." We're glad you want to take action, too. Luckily, many of the steps we can take to stop climate change can make our lives better. Our grandchildren-and their children-will thank us for living more sustainably. Let's start now.

We've partnered with the Million Car Carbon Campaign to help you find ways to save energy and reduce your carbon footprint. This campaign is uniting conscious consumers around the world to prevent the emissions-equivalent of 1 million cars from entering the atmosphere each year.

Keep reading for 10 simple things you can do today to help reduce your environmental impact, save money, and live a happier, healthier life.

  1. Save energy to save money.

    • Set your thermostat a few degrees lower in the winter and a few degrees higher in the summer to save on heating and cooling costs.
    • Install compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) when your older incandescent bulbs burn out.
    • Unplug appliances when you're not using them. Or, use a "smart" power strip that senses when appliances are off and cuts "phantom" or "vampire" energy use.
    • Wash clothes in cold water whenever possible. As much as 85 percent of the energy used to machine-wash clothes goes to heating the water.
    • Use a drying rack or clothesline to save the energy otherwise used during machine drying.
  2. Save water to save money.

    • Take shorter showers to reduce water use. This will lower your water and heating bills too.
    • Install a low-flow showerhead. They don't cost much, and the water and energy savings can quickly pay back your investment.
    • Make sure you have a faucet aerator on each faucet. These inexpensive appliances conserve heat and water, while keeping water pressure high.
    • Plant drought-tolerant native plants in your garden. Many plants need minimal watering. Find out which occur naturally in your area.

  3. Less gas = more money (and better health!).

    • Walk or bike to work. This saves on gas and parking costs while improving your cardiovascular health and reducing your risk of obesity.
    • Consider telecommuting if you live far from your work. Or move closer. Even if this means paying more rent, it could save you money in the long term.
    • Lobby your local government to increase spending on sidewalks and bike lanes. With little cost, these improvements can pay huge dividends in bettering your health and reducing traffic.

  4. Eat smart.

  5. Skip the bottled water.

  6. Think before you buy.

    • Go online to find new or gently used secondhand products. Whether you've just moved or are looking to redecorate, consider a service like craigslist or FreeSharing to track down furniture, appliances, and other items cheaply or for free.
    • Check out garage sales, thrift stores, and consignment shops for clothing and other everyday items.
    • When making purchases, make sure you know what's "Good Stuff" and what isn't.
    • Watch a video about what happens when you buy things. Your purchases have a real impact, for better or worse.

  7. Borrow instead of buying.

    • Borrow from libraries instead of buying personal books and movies. This saves money, not to mention the ink and paper that goes into printing new books.
    • Share power tools and other appliances. Get to know your neighbors while cutting down on the number of things cluttering your closet or garage.

  8. Buy smart.

    • Buy in bulk. Purchasing food from bulk bins can save money and packaging.
    • Wear clothes that don't need to be dry-cleaned. This saves money and cuts down on toxic chemical use.
    • Invest in high-quality, long-lasting products. You might pay more now, but you'll be happy when you don't have to replace items as frequently (and this means less waste!).

  9. Keep electronics out of the trash.

  10. Make your own cleaning supplies.

    • The big secret: you can make very effective, non-toxic cleaning products whenever you need them. All you need are a few simple ingredients like baking soda, vinegar, lemon, and soap.
    • Making your own cleaning products saves money, time, and packaging-not to mention your indoor air quality.

Saturday, October 31, 2009


個在網路流傳的小秘方,激發了小學生實驗靈感,經過不斷嘗試,成為真正的環保良方!台北市永安國小師生從網路偏方得到靈感,利用資源回收(網站)的寶特瓶,以及不到2.5 元的成本,製造出「環保捕蚊罐」,放在地下室,一罐最多

因 此,師生動手實驗,希望找出更有效的誘蚊法。蚊子會被吸引嗎?試試看暖暖包。蚊子會對不同顏色有反應嗎?試著用不同顏色寶特瓶來誘蚊。捕蚊罐放置的高度是 否有差異?把捕蚊罐吊高到蚊子飛行高度試試看。學生還試過用蜂蜜、蘆薈、黏鼠板膠來誘蚊或黏蚊。最後發現,蚊子會受到二氧化碳及黑色吸引,即利用發酵糖水 會釋出二氧化碳的原理來製造捕蚊罐。
但 此捕蚊罐也有局限。徐佳璋表示,並非100%的蚊子都會被誘引,在人多的環境,即使放了捕蚊罐,仍免不了有人被叮咬;捕蚊罐使用效果最佳地點,是在停車 場、地下室等蚊子較多的室內場所。 尤其是近年來,即使有寒流、強烈冷氣團來襲的冬季,仍有地下家蚊(溫帶家蚊的一種)作怪,出沒地點多集中在地下室,最適合使用環保捕蚊罐來展開抗蚊大作 戰。
「蚊子專家」台北市立教育大學環境教育研究所教授黃基森十分肯定「環保捕蚊罐」,認為它有學理根據,不少市售的捕蚊器就是利用散發二氧化碳來 誘蚊,只是一般捕蚊器多半價格高昂,如能廢物利用,意義更佳;但要注意的是,不同酵母菌對不同品種的斑蚊、家蚊誘引效果可能還有差異。